In a small New England town, a mysterious girl named Beatrice captured the attention of the locals with her enigmatic nature and peculiar habits. She had empty eyes, which seemed to reflect a cold and endless abyss. Beatrice claimed to hear the whispers of the stars and witness the light of hidden galaxies only visible to her. She believed her thoughts to be separate worlds, each with its own laws and creatures, and boasted the ability to travel between them without leaving her room. Some thought she was crazy, others saw her as a puzzle to be solved, and fear of the unknown also surrounded her. One day, on a particularly bright full moon, Beatrice vanished, leaving behind strange symbols on her walls and a lingering scent of burning. The town became known as the home of the “Princess of the Abyss, ” and despite her disappearance, Beatrice’s legend endures as a reminder that the world holds countless mysteries yet to be discovered.
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves cast out. Luke 13:28
In a kingdom where the Moon Princess resided, her unparalleled beauty and intelligence left the moon itself envious. However, her attention was fixated on the Throne, an angel dispatched many centuries ago to initiate a new cycle of creation. This Throne possessed keys that represented sins, akin to those committed by the Princess’s sister. Blinded by envy and thirst for power, her sister had committed seven sins, which subsequently transformed into keys in the Throne’s possession. Seeking liberation for herself and the universe, the Moon Princess had to find a method to atone for her sister’s transgressions and return the keys to the Throne. Commencing on her perilous journey, she explored seven distinct worlds, each bearing significance to one of her sister’s sins. Within each world, the Moon Princess discovered pathways to reconciliation and redemption, thereby purging the keys of their malevolent energy.